The Talented
read the comic, talk the talk

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Monday Meeting: April 6th

highlights from this week's Monday Meeting:

Omar: they should do a crossover with Narnia and Ridick
Aslan fighting alien bats
it's what C.S. would have wanted

Sabir: Meeting the Jonas Brothers is [my worst nightmare].

And so much more! Without further ado:

Omar: welcome everyone to our second weekly Monday Meeting!
as usual, it is I, Omar Najam, joined by Sabir Pirzada
how ya' doin, Sabir?

Sabir: I'm doing well, Omar

Omar: capital letters make us look so prominant

Sabir: That's what they're for
and look at that, you spelled it right!

Omar: haha i did!
just like a raptor, im learning
this week we're hoping for a more brief discussion because last week's meeting took up quite a bit of page space
we're gonna go through what we're up to, this week's chapter, next week's chapter, the hardest thing about publishing The Talented online and our current favorites
let's get started
the topical cat is out of the bag, any words about this week's chapter, sabir?

Sabir: Let's just say that this is a turning point in the story
a major action takes place that divides people very quickly
as fast as they were all brought together
we don't waste time in our story
I must also say that the artwork in this chapter is particularly good
Adrian has a real gift for drawing action

Omar: that he does
when we were scripting this chapter, i was very hesitant because I am not a fan at all of gun violence
not to say anyone on the Talented team is but I especially abhor their presence for...personal reasons
but it really came out a lot less violent than I had imagined
Adrian really focused the action on the expressions rather than the weapons

Sabir: Right, and I think that was necessary to create the right emotion that we wanted
because that tension is necessary for the next few scenes to make sense

Omar: exactly
a very disturbing but very "Sage" chapter in our story
but i think the chapter speaks for itself which brings us to...


Omar: anything you wish to say about this Saturday's upcoming chapter, Sabir?
pages 31-34

Sabir: The introduction of the most important character in the story
and it's not what you're expecting

Omar: I think this really where the story picks up
you've met all the characters you need to by this chapter and now it's time to put the pieces into action
it's also a direct reaction to this week's chapter
i also think of this chapter when i go to a coffee shop and pour myself half and half
and I drink coffee every fucking morning
ugh talk about addiction

Sabir: hahahaha

Omar: where's the truth commercial about light roast?
anyhow, next segment


Omar: we promised our readers that we'd throw out a little human interest segment here where we discuss the hardest thing about the process of The Talented
if i may instigate this discussion...

Sabir: the floor is yours

Omar: budgeting
in a film, you shoot and then reshoot and then a whole mess of problems
comics seem to be so much cleaner and easier
emphasis on seem
The Talented is so close to our hearts that we get the printed version and we look at it and spot dialogue problems and facial expressions
it pays to be anal retentive
well not pays
it costs less to be anal retentive

Sabir: haha yes, budgeting has been challenging
and we've paid for our mistakes
so many mistakes...

Omar: hahaha
marrying Gloria Estefan
sabir, how could you?
you knew she was just in it for the money
love's labors lost indeed

Sabir: I can't help myself sometimes. Seriously, though, I would say that the most challenging part of the process so far has been promoting the comic
which we're in the process of doing right now

Omar: ah good point

Sabir: the internet is great for promotion
but it's also this endless sea of information where it's easy to get lost and forgotten
so we're doing our best, but it's tough
and it means so much because without an audience, we're just shouting at the wind

Omar: as we probably are currently

Sabir: but so far our numbers are good and we're hopeful they'll continue to increase

Omar: thank you to the 15 people that read the blog this week!
we're literally counting on you
but our site has been getting great numbers if i may say so myself
i did of course just hear the numbers when i called you like 16 minutes ago
so paying and promoting, any other difficulties?
I'd put forth: criticism

Sabir: criticism can be biting sometimes, but I think as writers we've come to learn how to take it gracefully and learn from it

Omar: exactly
if we don't get criticism, no one is reading us
which brings us to:

and/or reading

Omar: in this segment we'll quickly talk about what we're reading and watching in terms of comics, books, TV and movies
sabir, any comic books that are hot in your hands as of the moment?

Sabir: I've just read volume 6 of Preacher
and it's perfect in every way
I've learned so much from it
I've also just read "After the Cape," a black and white Image comic
which was also very enjoyable. I don't read black and white comics very often (ironic, I know), but I'm getting into them much more now
Finally, I just read two works by Brian Azzarello: his Superman: For Tomorrow story with Jim Lee
and Joker with Lee Bermejo
both of which were very enjoyable, though I had some problems with the Superman story
all in all, I've mostly been playing catch up than getting to the new stuff
how about you, Omar? What have you been reading?

Omar: well I also took your recommendation and read Joker
which I thought had the second best Joker joke I have ever seen

Sabir: which one would that be?

Omar: when the man is stripped of his skin and Joker slaps a one dollar bill on his thigh
i nearly threw up
and then I thought about it
and nearly threw up
that, to me, describes Joker

Sabir: yeah, that's a twisted scene
and yet, perfect for the Joker

Omar: the best Joker joker, for me, is when he hangs Batman upside down in front of a tank of Piranha's
well him and Harley
but it's because they're smiling
if you sit down with that one, it's so twisted and insane it can only be described one way: Joker

Sabir: That's from the cartoon, right?

Omar: yup yup yup

Sabir: That's a classic episode

Omar: greatest fucking thing WB ever screened

Sabir: absolutely
Really, the Batman cartoon is a big reason why I got into comics in the first place

Omar: that intro sequence, ooh
too good
other than that though, I'm trying to keep track of the Rainbow Lanterns but there are just so many books
but I have returned to Transmet and Watchmen as paperbacks
and I have to say, it's such a relief to have those around
Sabir, any books you're reading right now?

Sabir: The only non-texbook book I'm reading right now is "The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay" By Michael Chabon
and it might just be one of my favorite books ever
I got it signed by Michael Chabon at Wondercon a month ago
and it was a pleasure meeting him
I would highly recommend it to anyone, especially comic readers
how about you, Omar
Steal anything from the library lately?

Omar: hey i scan and/or burn from the library
i never steal

Sabir: of course

Omar: and I'm only reading up on Freud, Lacan and acting theory
which are all strangely related
BUT i did get my roommate a book by Michel Foucault for his birthday
who we mention on our first page if I am not mistaken

Sabir: That's right

Omar: and I'll be sneaking a pretentious peak at that soon
you guys want a good read, check out Madness and Civilization
redundant in my opinion but...
sabir, television?

Sabir: Television... well, I've of course been watching and enjoying LOST
other than that, there are two new shows I'm addicted to
which had a rocky start but has found its footing now
and Kings
which is a very unique and interesting show
quite different from anything I've ever seen before, yet familiar enough to be easily engaging

Omar: kinda like a strip show

Sabir: haha I wouldn't know anything about that...
I just hope they both don't get canceled...
how about you
what's on your dvr?

Omar: Dollhouse, Dollhouse, Doll-freakin'-house
in my opinion the best written show on television right now

Sabir: Did you get to episode 6 yet?

Omar: oh yeah
its an emotional shank

Sabir: I told you, it eventually reaches a point where it's just amazing
I thought the most recent episode was particularly emotional
especially the last five minutes

Omar: oh god, it just...
each episode is just rebirth and death
and the last frame gives you hope for life
I'm so glad that Joss Whedon is back on television
and speaking through a female protagonist
because he got sooo screwed via WonderWoman

Sabir: Oh, that's right
I forgot about that

Omar: I refuse to believe that Jessica Biel exists

Sabir: Warner Bros. will probably want to make Wonder Woman dark now
like the Dark Knight

Omar: haha
half of Dianna's face gets melted
speakng of films, what movies have you seen and or looking forward to?

Sabir: I've just seen Requiem for a Dream
one of the most intense movies I've ever seen

Omar: JUST seen?!

Sabir: beautifully done

Omar: everyone should see that when they're 5

Sabir: I bought it a long time ago but never got around to watching it
haha how different my life would be...

Omar: heroine would be eradicated
anything on your expectant list?

Sabir: I'm embarrassed to say that I'm looking forward to seeing Fast and Furious

Omar: haha as you should be
i hear it has the same body but new parts
just like a car
no it looks quite impressive for an action flick
they really did spruce it up from the original

Sabir: I enjoyed the first one for what it was

Omar: i cant wait for chronicles of ridick to come out again

Sabir: oh, come on
I don't think I deserved that

Omar: haha no no it looks pretty intense
and I liked chronicles
i think
they should do a crossover with Narnia and Ridick
Aslan fighting alien bats
it's what C.S. would have wanted

Sabir: I'm sure...
I'm just saying, it looks entertaining
like a proper sequel the first movie never had and never needed
but cool nonetheless

Omar: haha
i just saw Monsters vs. Aliens

Sabir: and how was that?

Omar: freakin' bomb-ass 3-D
i read an interview on and they talked about how this is the film that will showcase the new 3-D
I loved Coraline 3-D and I was dazzled by Monsters vs. Aliens
i had my doubts but this really is the new medium

Sabir: I'm jealous that you were able to see Coraline in 3d
I missed the boat

Omar: thank you downtown SB

Sabir: and it was replaced by the Jonas Bros. movie
or something

what happens? their shitty music pops out at you?

Sabir: I have no idea

Omar: the jonas brothers emerging from the screen is my worst nightmare

Sabir: hahaha
Meeting the Jonas Brothers is mine

Omar: haha
im making a movie with the Jonas Brothers
Interview with a Virgin
Anne Rice wrote the original
pretty disturbing stuff

Sabir: hahaha

Omar: anyhow, enough of psuedo-Christians making money off of whoring out their chastity
the one movie I am looking forward to more than any other movie I have ever looked forward to
the movie I am more excited about than any other movie in my life
Where the Wild Things Are

Sabir: I was wondering who was telling me about this movie
and it was you
mystery solved!

Omar: haha bingo

Sabir: Yes, I've seen some images from this movie
it looks really cool
I want to read the book first

Omar: have you seen the trailer?

Sabir: there's a trailer?

Omar: oh my god...
someone get this guy DSL
or something to get onto the internet
hahaha ok THAT was uncalled for
ill admit it

Sabir: Sorry, I've been busy looking at other things...

Omar: the Jonas brothers?

Sabir: their cousins, maybe

Omar: the Jamestown brothers?
too soon?

Sabir: haha

Omar: but WTWTA looks freaking fantastic
and Spike Jones is a straight shooter
you don't fuck with the Jones

Sabir: indeed

Omar:'s looking at you, October
right well that about wraps us up this week
any closing statements, Sabir?

Sabir: I just want to thank everyone who's reading along with us
we really appreciate it and we hope you enjoy the next chapter

Omar: and when you're checking out our new chapter be sure to go to Ben Rollman's bio page
because the last word in his bio is a secret link that will be activated this Friday
also, Ben is an amazing guy and you should read about him

Sabir: He really is

Omar: Sabir, thanks for staying up

Sabir: any time
you know this is my daily routine

Omar: haha
have a great week everyone
aaaaaaaaand cut

Sabir: haha I love how we go longer than expected every time

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